Application instructions


  • Make sure your surface is clean and dust free.
  • These decals will stick onto any smooth surface (walls, windows, mirrors. As long as it is smooth)
  • Make sure the paint on your wall is water-based, your decals will not stick on any surface that is oil or silicone based.
  • Your paint needs to be MATT water-based paint, No sheen or glossy paint will work with our decals
  • Wait at least four weeks after painting your wall before applying your decals.
  • Your ideal temperature to apply decals is 23 degrees Celsius. Your walls expand and contract with the weather so if they are not applied in the ideal temperature you may have to keep pushing them down for a few weeks until they settle. If your edges begin lifting slightly please hold a blow-dryer around 20cm-30cm away from your decal and push it down gently. This will help the decal mould and makes it more flexible.
  • Cut out your shapes before sticking them down and plan your layout on your wall by sticking them on with Prestik or masking tape.
  • Peel the backing paper off of your decal so that the front is still attached to your application paper and the sticky side is exposed.
  • Line up your decal from the top corners. Take an applicator or a credit card (anything with a flat, straight surface) and begin scraping down and outwards to rid of any air bubbles.
  • Once your decal is stuck down, peel the application tape off parallel to your surface. If you pull the application tape off by pulling it towards you, you will end up pulling your decal off the wall.

NOTE: YouTube has 100’s of videos to show you how to apply wall decals.

We use high-quality vinyl. Your decals will easily last you a good 5 years as long as you take good care of them. See our care instructions for more details.

Warning: Lovecoco (Pty) Ltd wall stickers are designed for decoration only and not to be considered as toys. Make sure you apply them out of the reach of children under 3 years of age, especially children in a cot, crib or bed, to avoid a possible choking hazard.



  • You can use a number of mediums to apply your wood to your surface. We highly suggest stronger mediums like No More Nails, silicone or a glue gun for the larger, heavier items. HEAVY DUTY double-sided tape, velcro or even prestick are perfect for the smaller, lighter pieces
  • Make sure your surface is clean and dust free.
  • Your surface does not have to be completely smooth.
  • Plan your layout on your wall first.
  • Apply your choice of sticking medium to the back of your wooden cut-out.
  • And simply stick it.
  • You can apply it to any surface (e.g.: Plastered wall, raw brick wall, window, mirror, a piece of furniture…)


Keep your canvases away from direct sunlight, as well as reflected light from mirrors, glass etc. 

Do not use any form of liquid or chemical products to clean your kids canvas, or you may damage it. A soft dust brush can be used periodically to remove settled dust. 

Make sure your canvas is displayed in a stable, moisture-free environment and is kept at a safe distance from any sources of direct heat such as a fireplace.

  1. Using a pencil and ruler, mark the desired height of the top of the planner from the floor.
  2. Place your planner level with the pencil markings so that the top of the planner is positioned on the pencil line. With a level, check your planner is straight and mark the screw positions through the screw holes. 
  3. Using a 5mm drill bit, drill holes in the wall where marked for the screw positions.
  4. Push the wall plugs into the holes and tap in lightly using a hammer or rubber mallet.
  5. Thread screw into spacer, and screw spacers into the wall plugs.
  6. Reposition planner over the spacers and fix into place with the screw caps.
The panels come with a 2cm excess. The excess is used to overlap the adjacent edges of the wallpaper, so that they create a uniform graphic.
1. Prep and clean the surface
2. Line up your first panel to the top of the wall.Use a level to make sure it is straight vertically, especially if there are many panels to apply. If your first piece is not level, then every panel thereafter will
progressively become more crooked. That first panel is imperative to get straight.
3. Start by pulling off 10 cm of backing paper and sticking the top edge of the wallpaper by pressing the surface of the wallpaper against the wall with a squeegee (or cloth-covered credit card) and checking that it is glued straight. Smoothen the wallpaper from the middle to the edges to remove any air bubbles. Continue removing sections of the backing paper and smoothing down the wallpaper.
4. The second and consecutive panels: the pattern must be very precisely matched to the previously glued panel. In case of imprecise positioning, peel it off and repeat
application. The blocks have a 2cm overlap; you can opt to leave the panels with the overlap – depending on ink coverage, these may stay down flat. If they seem to start lifting on the overlap, give them a day and then you can cut them on the wall when finished. With a sharp Stanley knife, cut the resulting overlap through the top layer
Lovecoco shall not be liable for inappropriate dimensions of the product given during the order placement process or for any damage or errors resulting from unprofessional installation. The information presented above has been given in good faith, according to the current state of knowledge and practical experience

Useful Video Resources

How to Install Peel & Stick Wallpaper The Easy Way

How to Double Cut Wallpaper and Avoid Overlaps and Seams

How to Align Peel & Stick Wallpaper